For many with PCOS, weight has been an ongoing struggle. You have significantly more obstacles in this area than the average person and it just doesn’t seem fair! Well you are right. It is NOT fair! But it doesn’t mean you are stuck. Believe it or not, health and weight loss is absolutely possible with PCOS! If you’ve researched PCOS and weight loss on your own, I’m sure you’ve read about all the foods you are NOT supposed to eat. And I’m guessing you’ve probably even tried it. So, what’s the problem? Well, the primary issue is that this is a list of restrictions. And restrictions around food generally lead to a rebound effect- often binging. And so you rebel and eat everything you are not “supposed to” and then you feel like a failure, right? So, do you really want to go back to that restriction plan after feeling so terrible? Most people say no. Which is how they end up back to their normal ways of eating, even though they know that doesn’t work with PCOS. So, we need to shake that up! A solid PCOS weight loss plan obviously needs to focus on eating, but ideally it focused on what TO EAT ,instead of what NOT TO EAT. But that is only a small piece of the equation. Because in order to stick with anything, you need to deal with the rest of you: your motivation, your focus, your stress, your self-care, your awareness, your preparation. That is the true formula for a plan that works! And that’s what this program is all about!
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